2015 Glebe Art Show Prize Winners
The 2015 Glebe Art Show was a great success. We had over 1000 visitors viewing more than 180 works by 141 artists. Many visitors commented on the quality of the works entered and were amazed to learn that it was a non-selective show.
The show is a big team effort and would not be possible without all our wonderful volunteers doing the myriad of big and little jobs required for it to run as smoothly as it did. Thank you all. As always we are grateful for the support of our fabulous sponsors. Thank you again.
The judges were Daniel Pata, artist and NAS lecturer; and Geoff Kleem, NAS Head of Photography.
Congratulations to this year's winners!

Open Art Prize

Jacqueline Balassa
Garden - Morning
oil on board, 61x45cm
Highly Commended
Nicole Kelly
The Apple Tree Man's Name is Michael
Pierre Cavalan
Voyage of Discovery
Painting Prize
Sponsored by
Futurepast Heritage Consulting

Matilda Mitchell
oil on canvas, 76x65cm
Jacky Lawes
Mort Bay
Julianne Ross Allcorn
Catch On Ice

Photography Prize
Sponsored by Belle Property, Glebe

Nicole Eggers
Storey Between
photograph, 88x64cm
Eulalie Moore
Waterfront Worker - Rozelle Bay
Sponsored by
Glebe Chamber of Commerce
Works on Paper Prize

Paul Procee
Prof Allan Snyder
charcoal, 70x85cm
Julianne Ross Allcorn
King Ram
Marie-Therese Kinsella
Idle Hands
Youth Prize
Sponsored by
Dr David Nguyen

Xanthe Croot
Bird Cage
(tree near Fisher Library)
pencil, 50x50cm
Derivan Work of Excellence
$500 of art materials
Sponsored by

Felicia Finlayson
Japanese Tea Ceremony
acrylic, 76x92cm
Glebe Prize
Sponsored by
The Glebe Society

Patricia Baillie
At The Community Centre
photograph, 20x20.5cm
Kalpa Jadeja
The Groundsman's Dog Contemplating Progress

People's Choice Prize
Sponsored by
The Friend In Hand Pub

Jacky Lawes
Mort Bay
oil, 135x60cm