Gleebooks - Diann Payne
Tjerruing Blackwattle Bay - Jacqui Tosi
Waters Edge - Jasmine Mowbray
Hampshire Lane, Camperdown - Joel Tarling
Pillar of the community Paul Feain - Patricia Ballie
Vivid reflections - Margaret Donnelly
Underpass - Mark Brabazon
House in Camperdown. - Margaret Anne Whitton
Underwood Street - Mary Simmonds
Taxi - Michael Wheatland
The Jubilee Fig - Mark Naismith-Beeley
Parking Pandemonium - Sharon Pincus Jacobson
Woman with phone - Vicki Bosworth
Blackwattle Bay - Vicky Marquis
Across Rozelle Bay (Spring Equinox) - Peter Griffen